Friday, September 26, 2014

Research, research, research

I have been doing a corporate design internship for almost three months now, and one of the most important things I have learnt thus far is this:

DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST - Research, research, research!!!

It might seem obvious, but often graphic designers (me included) forget this step. We dive into the  design. But we don't check what's actually out there and draw inspiration from that.

It may seem like a tedious job, but if you are starting a new project you should dedicate at least (!) one day researching. It sounds like a lot, but it will be well worth it.

We have no excuse not to research - thanks to the World Wide Web. And it's ok to look at someone else's work and get your inspiration from there, as long as you don't copy it to the T.

Here are some good sites to help you: (all graphic designers should know this one) (you'd be surprised what awesome things you can find here)

There are plenty more, so if you know of any please do share.

And here's a little motivation, just because it's Friday:

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