Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Being a graphic designer

Most people seem to think that being a graphic designer is a walk in the park, a job 'anyone' can do (I've heard this too many times and it makes me mad - I might just smack the next person dumb enough to say this to my face).

But it's not.

What people don't realise (including myself when I first started), is that being a graphic designer isn't always easy.

So let me list a couple of things they don't teach you at design college:

1.  Technology is evolving, and so we need to as well. Computer programs keep changing, and new ones keep popping up. We need to stay up-to-date all the freakin' time - which we are often expected to do in our 'free' time outside of work.

2. We need to teach and train ourselves. We use the resources at hand like books (yes, they still exist) and online videos, and are left to our own devices. We can't always afford to run to the nearest design school for this.

3. Our CVs and portfolios need to be a work of art. We can't just hand in a Word document when we apply for a job. We need to hand in a masterpiece. And trust me, it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to work on that CV and portfolio.

Needless to say our portfolios need to be updated frequently. They need to include mock-ups, animation, etc. etc. Whatever you can think of that will make a lasting impression.

4. We need to have an online presence - and this too, needs to be updated regularly. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Behance, our own personal blog or website. Staying on top of all of these sites is not easy.

5. Design is very subjective. Chances are your client won't have the same taste as you. You need to be able to accept harsh criticism. So if your client wants Comic Sans, you give them Comic Sans (even if you're dying a slow and painful death inside).

6. You don't get paid much - especially in the beginning. As a junior graphic designer you will be exploited. But you will also learn a helluva lot.

These are just some of the points I could think of, but I am sure there are more. Fellow graphic designers, share them in the comments section if you like.

So you see, there are a lot of factors to be considered when you become a graphic designer. It's not a walk in the park. So don't take us for granted. And don't tell us how easy it is.

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