Thursday, September 25, 2014

You've gotta lean in!

Women of the world (and men) you HAVE to read this book:

I am only on page 39 but already I feel motivated and inspired.

Sheryl Sandberg, author of the book, is the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook. In 2011, Forbes ranked her the 5th most powerful woman in the world. And with good reason - the things this woman has achieved!

The book is focused on encouraging women to pursue their ambitions, and changing the conversation from what we (women) can’t do to what we can do. The book has even sparked a so-called 'movement' - you can read about it here. And if you're a woman, JOIN!!! Be inspired by the stories of other women in the world who have achieved the impossible. I'd also suggest you follow Lean In on Twitter.

Like I said, I am only on page 39, but already I feel like I can achieve more than I think.

I've been feeling a little overwhelmed recently and uncertain of things career-wise, so reading this book couldn't have come at a better time. I've been telling myself that I am not good enough as a graphic designer, that I won't be successful, etc. etc. You know the drill, and I am sure many of you are or have been in the same boat. But this book is starting to change my mind.

Ask yourself, “What would I do if I weren't afraid?”

And remember that opportunities are rarely offered, they are seized!

I am looking forward to the remaining 145 pages. Thank you, Sheryl.

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