Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why with an h?

Hello world!

My name's Kat. Well it's actually Kathrin, hence the blog name. But let's stick with Kat.

It's German - and according to my passport and parents, I am German. But I was born in Indonesia and grew up and live in South Africa, so most of the time I don't feel very German.

I'm a graphic designer by trade but I also spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

Currently, I see myself going through a quarter-life crisis (yes, it's a thing), so this blog is going to be a great number of things - mostly design-, technology-,  food- and travel-related. Things that make up my life and keep me up at night.

So sit back and enjoy the ride - there is a lot that goes on in this brain of mine!

And here's a cat meme because I can and because I like cats:

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