Monday, November 3, 2014

South African things I miss...

Today, I have seven weeks left of my internship.

I am finding being away more difficult now than in the beginning. I am starting to miss random South African things, things I took for granted before.

I am going to list a few, and probably add some as they come to mind.

1) Christmas beetles - I used to find them a nuisance, but now I actually miss them. They smbolize summer, and that Christmas is near.


2) Jacaranda tress - they are in full bloom now. And boy are they pretty! Especially when the streets are aligned with them.


3) Steak - I don't eat red meat often, but once in a while I feel like a good steak. So when I recently wanted to buy one here in Germany, I was told it would cost me €7. I said "No, thank you" and walked right back out the store.


4) Fruit & veg selection  - we definitely take this for granted. Many fruits and vegetables can't be grown in Germany, esp. during winter time. So it's imported. That means it's expensive and often doesn't taste great.


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